Organisation directory
Showing organisations that start with the letterW
- Waiatarua community patrol Charitable Trust
- Waiheke Resources Trust
- Waihi Beach Events and Promotions
- Waikato District Libraries
- Waikato Food Inc
- Waikato Hospital
- Waikato Rugby
- Waikato Tennis Trust
- Waikato/Bay of Plenty Cancer Society
- Waimakariri Community Arts Council
- Waimate Historical Society
- Waiowhiro Stream Care Group
- Waipukurau Little Theatre Inc
- Waipuna Hospice
- Waipuna Hospice
- Wairarapa Shafts and Wheels Driving Assn
- Wairoa Community Ngahere Nursery
- Waitakere Voices Choir
- Waitaki Multicultural
- Waitaki Whitestone Geopark
- Waitara Foodbank - Pataka Kai
- Waitemata DHB Volunteer programme
- Waitemata Synchronised Swimming Club
- Waiuku Community Workshop
- Waiuku Zero Waste
- Wakatipu Plunket
- Wakatipu Search and Rescue Group
- Wander Search Southland
- Warm Water Exercise Group
- Weet-Bix Kids Tryayhlon
- Welcome Bay Community Centre Inc
- Well-Able
- Wellington Rugby Football Club
- Wellington Baseball Association
- Wellington Citizens Advice Bureau
- Wellington Free Ambulance
- Wellington Hospitals Foundation
- Wellington Hospital's Foundation
- Wellington Inner-City Residents and Business Association Incorporated
- Wellington Lantern Festival
- Wellington Mountain Bike Club
- Wellington North Badminton
- Wellington North Parents Centre
- Wellington Rabbit Rescue
- Wellington Rowing Club
- Wellington Rowing Club Incorporated
- Wellington Touch Association
- Wellington Waste Managers
- Wellington Welfare Guardianship Trust
- Wellington Women's Health Collective
- Wellington Women's House
- Wellington Zoo Trust
- WellingtonNZ
- WellME
- Wellness Empathy Kindness Aotearoa
- West Auckland Academic Mentoring
- West Auckland Community Toy Library (WACTL)
- West Auckland Parents Centre
- West Auckland Resource Centre
- West Harbour Community Patrol
- West Lynn Gardens
- Western Bay Museum
- Western Bay of Plenty District Council
- Western BOP Neighbourhood Support
- Whaingaroa Environment Centre
- Whakatane Bird Rescue
- Whakatu Group Riding for the Disabled Incorporated
- Whanake Youth
- Whanau Awhina Plunket
- Whānau Āwhina Plunket
- Whānau Āwhina Plunket
- Whāngai Ora Milk Bank
- Whanganui Prison
- Whangarei Group Riding for the Disabled
- Whangarei Maritime Festival
- Whatever It Takes Trust
- Whau River Catchment Trust
- Whau River Catchment Trust
- Wheels at Wanaka
- Whenua Iti Trust Incorporated
- Whirinaki Whare Taonga
- Women of Worth Charitable Co. ltd
- Women's Centre Incorporated
- Womens Centre Waitakere
- Women's Federation for World Peace - NZ
- Women's History of New Zealand
- WORD Christchurch
- World Choir Games 2024
- World Vision New Zealand
- WorldSkills New Zealand
- Wright Family Foundation