Organisation directory
Showing organisations that start with the letterS
- Sacred Heart Cathedral
- Sailability Nelson Trust
- Sailability Tauranga Charitable trust
- Sailability Wellington Trust
- Salvation Army Family Store- Panmure
- Salvation Army Community Driver Programme
- Salvation Army Driver Mentor programme
- Salvation Army Driver Programmes
- Salvation army family store New Plymouth
- Samaritans Manawatū
- Samaritans of Wellington Inc
- Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari
- SASH (Sexual Abuse Suppport and Healing)
- Save the Children
- School Eats
- Sea Cadet Corps 'T S Gambia' Otahuhu
- seasons for growth
- Seasons for Growth Taranaki
- Seeds For Humanity NZ Charitable Trust
- SEEK Volunteer New Zealand
- Selwyn Swim Club
- Sending Love
- SeniorNet Horowhenua Inc
- SeniorNet Manawatū
- Shakti Community Council
- Shakti Education Training & Advisory Company Ltd.
- Silverstream School Fundraising Team
- Siverdale & Districts Historical Society (Inc)
- Social Change Collective
- Social Service Providers Aotearoa Inc
- Social Striders
- SociaLink
- Society of St Vincent de Paul
- Society of St Vincent de Paul - Hamilton
- Society Of St Vincent de Paul - North Auckland
- SonSk8 Indoor Skatepark
- Sorena Charity
- South Alive
- South Auckland House of Science
- South Auckland Riding for the Disabled
- South Dunedin Street Festival
- South Island Wildlife Hospital
- South Taranaki Blue Light
- Southern Cancer Society
- Southland A & P Association
- Southland Sports Car Club
- SPCA - Central East
- SPCA Auckland
- SPCA Christchurch Centre
- SPCA Hamilton East
- SPCA Nelson
- SPCA New Zealand
- SPCA Op Shop Masterton
- SPCA Op Shops - Central 1 East
- SPCA Op Shops - Southern Area 1
- SPCA Op Shops (Auckland)
- SPCA Opshop Linwood
- SPCA Opshop Te Awamutu
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics Counties
- Special Olympics Manawatu
- Special Olympics Motueka
- Special Olympics New Zealand
- Special Olympics New Zealand
- Special Olympics Tauranga
- Spiralz Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Sport Auckland
- Sport Otago
- Sport Wellington
- Springlands Sea Scouts
- Squash New Zealand Incorporated
- Sri Om Incorporated
- St Barnabas Opshop
- St Chad's Church & Community Centre
- St Chads Communication Centre
- St Chads Communication Centre
- St Chads Scouts
- St John
- St John
- St John (Northern Region and Coromandel)
- St John NZ (Central East/Far and Mid North/Rodney)
- St John NZ (Central West & East Coromandel/Hauraki)
- St John NZ (Tasman and Central South)
- St John NZ / Hato Hone Aotearoa
- St John of God Hauora Trust
- St John Taranaki MIST team
- St John Tauranga
- St Johns Anglican Church Otumoetai
- St Luke's Church Centre Shop (Op Shop)
- St Paul's Anglican Church Milford
- St Vincent de Paul
- St Vincent de Paul Christchurch
- St Vincent de Paul Society
- St Vincent de Paul Wellington
- St Vinnies Otahuhu
- Stadium Stomp
- StarJam
- StarJam Charitable Trust
- Steampunk The Thames Inc
- STEM Wana Trust
- Step Ahead Trust
- Stoddart Cottage
- Stoke Community Toy Library
- Strangers Community
- Stroke Foundation of New Zealand
- Student Volunteer Army
- Styx Living Laboratory Trust
- Sumner Bays Union Trust
- SuperGrans Aotearoa
- SuperGrans Mentoring
- Sustainable Coastlines
- Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust
- Sustainable Hawkes Bay
- Sustainable Hawkes Bay
- Sustainable Queenstown
- Sustainable Taranaki
- Sustinnoworx/SETAC Ltd
- Sweet Louise
- Swimming Northland