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'Tree rescue' at Papakura Stream Restoration Project

Conservation Volunteers New Zealand

Logo for Conservation Volunteers New Zealand

Join Conservation Volunteers NZ on our Papakura Stream Restoration Project. This project aims to restore and protect stream banks and water quality, as well as habitat for native species. We are aiming to achieve this by fencing, planting native trees, water quality monitoring, and community engagement on both public and private land.

On this day we will be caring for thousands of native trees and shrubs that have recently been planted. Once our native trees are planted, we need to continue caring for these trees for the next 4-5 years to ensure they have the best chance of survival. Caring for these trees can be a mammoth task, and we need your help! Come along and help us release our newly planted trees from strangling weeds.

The stream and wider catchment area are home to many native species that will benefit from this program; including threatened species such as eel, inanga, and small numbers of banded kōkopu. Increased tree cover will also provide food and habitat for bird species including kākā, bellbirds, kereru, tūī, and New Zealand’s only native mammal, the long-tailed bat/pekapeka. This is a rarely seen species which is known to reside in the upper reaches of the catchment. It is hoped that this project will increase life in the stream and encourage the return of more bird life to the area, in particular kākā and long-tailed bats/pekapeka.

For this volunteer day you are welcome to meet us on site, or at our office in Mount Eden to get a ride in our van (by prior arrangement).