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Junior Chamber International (Wellington) Board Members

JCI Wellington

About us: Junior Chamber International (JCI/Jaycees) Wellington is a membership-based non-profit organization of young active citizens who are dedicated to creating positive change in our communities. We are a part of Junior Chamber International New Zealand which is a part of a global network of young active citizens who are developing themselves and creating positive change in communities around the world

Our Mission: “To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.”

What we do: JCI provides development opportunities to empower young leaders so they can organize projects, programs, and act to meet community needs to create sustainable solutions.

How do we do it: We run regular events during weekday evening or weekends which including training sessions on personal development topics, guest speakers including influential people from across NZ, Social and networking evenings, hands on community work and international collaboration on critical programmes of work.

What are we looking for ……….. There are 3 Types of People in the world:

  1. Those who make things happen
  2. Those who watch things happen
  3. Those who wonder what happened

We want people who are in the first group!

Time Commitment: 10 hours per month Positions available:

### Skills and Criteria

  • No previous experience required in board positions – suit people willing to learn.
  • Passionate person – You are one of those people who make things happen!!
  • You will need own access to internet and computer to complete the tasks.
  • Must enjoy working with people, building connections, and motivated to step out of their comfort zones.