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Waiowhiro Stream Care Group

Who we are: We are a Care Group that was established by the community in 2017 and has an interest in the health and wellbeing of the Waiowhiro Stream and stream margins. What we do We are eradicating pest plant species from the lower Waiowhiro stream margins and replacing with native plants. We also remove rubbish from the stream and steam banks. We have a regular working bee on the first Saturday of the month starting at 8.30am and lasting approximately 2 to 3 hours (mostly weeding and collecting rissish). In August we have the annual planting day where we plant up to 1,000 native plants. What is Waiohiro Stream The stream is a small trout spawning stream that flows from the base of Mt Ngongotaha to Lake Rotorua, along the northern side of Kawaha Pt in Rotorua. The source of the stream is Rainbow and Fairy Springs. We care for the lower part of the stream from the lake to the walkway to Ngongotaha Mission: To enhance the ecosystem and the community connection with the Waiowhiro Stream, through community involvement and education.