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Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust

Logo for Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust

The Dunedin Midwinter Carnival is an iconic annual celebration that has developed a loyal public following. The Carnival is one of the most spectacular and accessible community events held in Dunedin, which aims to celebrate our distinctive seasons in a creative and positive way. Usually held on the last Saturday in June, the Midwinter Carnival incorporates a large procession through the central city featuring dozens of giant lanterns made by local artists and hundreds of small lanterns handmade by children and families. There are also hundreds of costumed performers from a variety of music, dance, school and cultural groups who together create a diverse and vibrant Carnival procession. The Midwinter Carnival is produced by a volunteer-run non-profit charitable trust called Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations (DMCT), receiving grants, donations and funding to run the Carnival every year.