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Mahi Arohanui o Tamariki Aotearoa Charitable Trust

Logo for Mahi Arohanui o Tamariki Aotearoa Charitable Trust

Mahi Arohanui o Tamariki is a new Charitable Trust,( MAOTA) is a new charity that has lot long registered on the charities services, we are all about supporting our younger Tamariki in low decile primary schools, we offer support for low income families who are struggling to pay for their Tamariki school education, by giving grant for school activities and school resource they need for their learning. We paid for thing like school fees, stationary, uniforms, camps and school activities, also sports, club fees, and sport equipment, tournaments, accommodation, and travel. We fundraise through our arts and craft farmers market that we are due to open in October at the kaiapoi Borough primary school on the 22nd October 2022. This a great way of bring the community together, and support our Tamariki. We hope to be nationwide organization in the next couple of years as we grow. But for now we are in need for volunteers. to help us launch our new market.