Prevention Support Team Member
Vulnerable Support Charitable Trust managed by Volunteer Wellington

Have you got free time between 10pm – 4am on Friday and/or Saturday evenings? Would you like to support others by being part of an organisation that provides a safe place for people to go when they are out at night? Would you like to positively influence the drinking culture in Wellington? If so come and join our team. The focus of our organisation is to provide support to our visitors and to prevent any harm from occurring. We are housed in a mobile unit on Courtenay Place. From our bespoke vehicle we offer our visitors: water, phone charging stations, a safe space, lots of positive interaction, and help with any travel or medical assistance. We are approachable, positive and non-judgemental. As a team member your focus will be on welcoming our visitors and interacting with them. You will create a positive and enjoyable night out for people and support anyone who is feeling or acting vulnerable. Your night will vary from positive interactions to potentially difficult situations where you will be called upon to take appropriate actions and make decisions with the support of your team leader. You will also help with the pack in and pack out of the mobile unit at the beginning and end of the night. Health and safety are paramount to keep our team and visitors safe. This is at the forefront of what we do.