Mana Parents Centre
We believe that parenting is everything and that great parents will grow great children! We work with parents to equip them with the best in knowledge and skills and support so that they can be best parents they can possibly be. Mana Parents Centre provides Childbirth Education (aka antenatal classes) and Parent Education classes for families living between Tawa and Pukerua Bay, and further afield where necessary. We are one of 50 Parents Centres throughout New Zealand as part of Parents Centres NZ Inc. Our classes range from First Aid and CPR, to Conscious Parenting, Postnatal courses covering the early days of parenting a newborn, and even Baby Sign. And of course we arrange the essential ‘Coffee Group’ for mums and babies to attend with other participants of a Pregnancy and Childbirth Course. A lot of our Coffee Group participants become life long friends, sharing milestones and memories as their children grow.